Production planner

Production planner


A screen to allow manual scheduling of work orders.

The system will automatically schedule work orders based on required date, but taking now account of available capacity. Use this extension to schedule production work orders to the days or weeks you require, at the same time having visual display of available capacity and material availability.


  1. Allows you to schedule work orders in one screen.
  2. Allows “offline” scheduling. Changes can be taken into production or cancelled.
  3. Drag and drop functionality.
  4. Increases reliability of your deliveries when work is scheduled and compared to promise dates.

Getting Started

  1. License this extension from the licensing wizard in the Admin main menu.
  2. The production planner screen is available from the Production menu, Scheduling dashboard
  3. To utilise the capacity grid, enter a “Rough cut loading” value in the Item card, technical tab for each item
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