Bulk processing – Purchase planner

Bulk processing – Purchase planner


The purchase planner tool creates a batch of purchase orders based on actual demand, sales forecasts and minimum stock level information.

The purchase planner is an important tool in business automation and relies on information from many parts of the system to quickly generate purchase orders each to the correct supplier with correct quantities and lead times.


  1. Allows for high volume purchase operations
  2. Saves lots of work compared to creating purchase orders individually on screen
  3. Supports procurement organisations with many buyers.
  4. Takes into account part number mapping between own and manufacturers’ codes.
  5. Buyers do not need to manually evaluate stock quantities or promised sales quantities etc. The machine will calculate all requirements automatically

Getting Started

  1. License the module from the Admin section.
  2. On the Purchase menu, go to Other operations and then Automatic Purchase Order Generation.
  3. Set the parameters as necessary and press Run Now. One or more Under Construction purchase orders will be generated.
  4. Go to the purchase section and select and activate the purchase orders.
  5. If the purchase order planner is run again, it will overwrite any previously created purchase orders that were not activated.
  6. The accuracy of the purchase planner is improved by having supplier quotations entered and mapping of item id’s to manufacturer part numbers. The purchase planner is not useful if stock quantities, sales orders, purchase orders and product structures are incorrect in the system as it will therefore plan incorrect quantities.

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